State of LifeBahn – Update #5 – The Art of Working!

-- Through LifeBahn Lens --

Picture of Joseph M Khan

Joseph M Khan

Last Sunday, in session #5 of ‘A Lifetime of Education in 52 Weeks,’ we discussed:

  • Wealth Management: How to get money, specifically employment and the art of working.
  • We looked deeper into the ‘secret to success’ – the LIFE PROCESS for Organizations & Institutions and introduced the notion of Rogue Institutions.
  • Learned golden lesson #5: ‘Anything good that happens to me, I have done it. Anything bad that happens to me, I have done it!’ This lesson emphasises taking responsibility.

We compared employment vs. self-employment and discussed how to maximize your return on employment.

Next session, we will discuss:

  • Self-employment.
  • Identify and discuss various Rogue Institutions.
  • Discuss the damage these Rogue Institutions do.
  • How to protect ourselves from them.

We will also continue to look at global political events to see how the people of the world, the 99%, are the marks of a global shell game. We hope that the people will start paying attention, getting educated, and finding out that their governments, the institutions entrusted with their well-being, are, in fact, in part, if not in whole, responsible for most of the global problems.

They have been misinforming and deceiving the people all along. 

It is time for the truth and real education – GREAT@ education, about the facts of life !! 

On  ‘a lifetime of education in 52 weeks “ an education continuum, helping  to make a better life for our families and our future generations.  

  Our path to Prosperity.

Autobahn —  Road for Automobiles.

LifeBahn —- Road for life. 

Built on the simple principle. or  

Thank you!

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